Currently, the moment a user starts a swap, they have 30 seconds to confirm it in their wallet. Especially when using a hardware wallet (which has multiple dialogs and prompts to pass through), this time window is extremely restrictive to get through, and encouraging this level of speed encourages users to not actually read what they're signing (bad!) Market volatility MAY cause prices to slip for a pair every 30 seconds, but not ALL the time (EVERY pair, EVERY 30 seconds) in a significant manner. A better user experience would be to let the user take up to several minutes to sign the order. After the signature is complete, check the current price and see if it's drifted beyond an acceptable margin (either user-specified slippage tolerance, or platform-specific tolerance for Matcha Auto fee coverage). If it has, then prompt the user to start over with a new quote. If the price hasn't drifted, submit the signed order (even if it's been several minutes since the user signed it).